I can't believe that people are actually trying to make something like same-sex marriage legal. It's really, REALLY sad. When I hear about it on the radio, or read about it on other blogs, I get really angry inside. Maybe it's just because I am hyper sensitive about this issue, having just gotten married a month ago. I know what marriage means to me, and how important it is. It's disgusting that people could try to make something so blatantly against God's laws LEGAL. Those stupid lawmakers and politicians are going to have some major problems on their hands when they discover that people justified wicked acts because of policies THEY enforced. Mostly, I just feel such deep sadness for the children. What a cruel thing to do - life is hard and confusing enough without completely destroying gender roles.
If you agree with me, and are against same-sex marriage in general, but especially in California, you can go to this website and read more about why to support the proposition to define marriage as between a man and a woman in California this November.
I got this from their website, and I agree with their points:
Top Ten Talking Points about Same Sex Marriage*
1) Collective Wisdom- All the collective wisdom of human history, not to mention biology, logic and common sense shows us that marriage is designed to be between a man and a woman. For Christians, the Bible is unequivocal on the subject – one man, one woman, for life.
Okay, so I don't believe that the Bible is unequivocal on the subject - think POLYGAMY. However, modern revelation is. And anyway, the law of chastity never included sexual relations between men and men, or women and women.
2) Creating Same Sex Families- When you create a same-sex “marriage” you are also creating a same sex “family,” and so the question now becomes what is in the best interests of children.
In "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" it is made clear that children have the right to be born into a family with a loving mother and father. Same-sex marriage is clearly against that.
3) Social Experiment- Same-sex “marriage” subjects children to a vast untested social experiment.
People who engage in homosexual acts are more promiscuous. We know that promiscuity leads to poverty, wide-spread STD's and infectious diseases, and instability in the home. Not to mention the problem of how frequently people who engage in homosexual acts discuss their sexuality with others. I don't want my children around people like this.
4) Socializing Children- Children need to grow up understanding the proper human relationships between a man and woman, a mother and father, and a husband and wife.
They won't learn this in school. They definitely won't learn this from the media. We are responsible to teach them in the home. Now Satan is trying to take THAT away from them.
5) Dads and Moms Matter- Children need both a mother and a father. The two most loving moms can not be a dad and the two most loving dads can not be a mom and children need both.
6) The Research is Clear- The research is crystal clear - children always do better in families with a mother and a father.
We know that children do better with a mother and a father. We know that homosexuality in society causes promiscuity and many other problems, but we don't know how it will affect our children. The inference we can intelligently make, however, is that children, mothers, fathers, and society at large, will all suffer.
7) Loving and Civilized Societies- A loving and civilized society always comes to the aid of fatherless and motherless families. But a loving and civilized society never intentionally creates fatherless and motherless families as a matter of law and public policy.
8) If Marriage Means Anything- If marriage can mean anything then marriage means nothing.
Marriage means everything to me.
9) Relationship Buffet- No society ancient or modern has ever sustained itself with a buffet-like mentality when it comes to marriage and family.
...because marriage and family are the most important things we have on this earth.
10) Slippery Slope- Establishing same-sex “marriage” as a fundamental right will undermine current polygamy laws and create a new legal precedent for “anything goes” forms of marriage.
Five people getting married to each other? A person marrying a dog? It's a mockery of something extremely sacred. I can't stand for that. You shouldn't, either.
* Credit for these talking points goes to John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council, which
depends on the outstanding work of Glenn Stanton with Focus on the Family.
Dear Writer,
I am a representative for yes2marriage and was wondering if there is an e-mail address that I can conveniently reach you at so that I may send you an invitation to join our campain in trying to get the Florida Bill passed in order to protect marriage exclusively between one man and one woman. Thank you!
Assistant to yes2marriage.com Grassroots campaign director, (rappelo1@aol.com)
Dear Writer,
I forgot to let you know that you can contact me at rappelo1@aol.com if you would like me to add you to our list of supportive bloggers that yes2marriage is trying to make. Thank you!
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