At first I thought...houseofchallis
but Danny was kind of meh about that one.
Then I thought challispalace, but it's taken.
Then I thought thechallispalace, but a "the" in a blog name is crappy.
Then I realized I need to change my google account as well. Man, it's kind of difficult having a maiden name change over to a married name. I was always kate.vasicek and now kate.challis is taken. Dang. So I went through a ton of things like:
To no avail. Except katrinachallis, but wouldn't it be rude if my name was actually Katrina Challis and somebody named Kate stole it? I think it would be, at least.
So...I finally went with kalzbeta, which is a cross between Katrina and Alzbeta. (The real ancestor's name is Alsbeta, with an "s". More on that later). I made it up several years ago. According to me, it was very clever.
Back to the naming of the blog. houseofchallis was not good, but may darofchallis - dar being the Arabic word for household? Or beitchallis? But that looks too Jewish. And baytchallis looks silly.
Dardechallis - combining Arabic and French?
The cleverest one I came up with was "notredardechallis" - clever because if you pronounce "Challis" the French way, it would rhyme with Paris (paree), so the whole phrase would be a lot like, "Notre Dame de Paris", except "Our Household Of Challis". But darde looks too much like the French word for Turkey, which is dinde. I don't really like that word very much.
So then I remembered a book Danny and I read by Loren Eisley. It's called The Immense Journey - very creative book about the world. Eisley is a naturalist, but also a poet. We didn't read the whole thing, just the last chapter really. It's in the evolution section of the HBL Library at BYU. So then I thought, theimmensejourney - except "the" is problematic, as we have previously discussed.
dannyandkatesexcellentadventure (too long)
challisfamily (taken)
...and finally, challisadventures
I think it works out in the end. It's catchy, and will last a long time. For all of those girls out there looking for tips about what to pick as an email address, you definitely should avoid using your maiden name. Pick your married name (even if you don't know the guy yet), because otherwise somebody will steal it right from under your nose! Grumble grumble kalzbeta is a good email address, except I'm a little worried people will write kalzebeta instead of kalzbeta. Augh over analyzing everything!
1 comment:
Kate, that's hilarious!
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