Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Sco'ish Fe'ival

I, following suit of my dear friend Strong Bad, have now taken up a hobby of not including the middle consonants of things. Actually, I think it adds to the whole affect of it being "Sco'ish". Anyway, we went to the festival in Look Park, in NoHo Massachusetts, and it turned out that we got there just as everyone was leaving. I mean, seriously, guys. What's a little bit of rain? Nothing to be frightened or ashamed of! But no, everybody left. Probably because we got there. It was sad. But then Danny and I ran around in the sprinklers, and froze on the way home because of the AC. So it was worth it. And the fun drive with my family. Especially to have Danny there, and to feel completely myself. It was great. 

What a great birthday for Papa! Hopefully, next one we'll give him "The Big Green Egg." More on that later.

I did put back the envelopes that I took. And the lady I worked with took the change I left there as she cleaned out the closet. So it was a lose-lose situation that made me feel good inside.

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